Sunrise in Auckland. This photo was snapped on the way back across the Harbour Bridge on the day we arrived.
After four and a half months on furlough in the USA, we're finally back in New Zealand. Since arriving in Auckland we've been focusing on finding our next home, which we hope will be one we stay in for a long, long time. We can't afford to buy a home in Auckland, so we'll continue to live the life of a tenant (no equity, inspections every 3 months, and praying that the kids don't decide to draw pictures on the wall with permanent marker, etc.). Renting in Auckland is more expensive than in Christchurch (where we helped to start rechurch from 2009-2014), so our organisation suggested that we raise additional funding to cover the cost. Thanks to our AMAZING supporters, we've reached that fundraising goal over furlough. Thank you! Now we can find a suitable home to rent for our family. Pray that we find the right one for our family in the best location for our current and future projects in Auckland.
Getting Geared Up For Ministry in Auckland
As we set the stage for a new church plant to be launched in 2017 or 2018, we'll first be working with an existing congregation on Auckland's north more.