
Planting Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand


About Us

In 2007 we took a big risk and moved to New Zealand from Indianapolis to help start new churches. Raising kids and starting churches internationally is a beautiful mess of a life and we love it. All three of our kiddos are New Zealand born. We desire to love God and each other, to express the love of God to those around us, and to live in such a way that teaches our children to do the same.


Born: November 5
Raised: Zanesville, OH

Kentucky Christian University
(1998-2002 Intercultural Studies, Bible)
Te Wānanga O Aotearoa: Auckland, NZ
(2022-2023 Māori language)

Roles: Wife, mother, volunteer and graphic designer
Likes: Quality time, honouring indigenous cultures, dark chocolate, the gut microbiome, Essentialism, healthy living


Born: August 22
Raised: St. Louis, MO & Cincinnati, OH

Kentucky Christian University
(1998-2002 Bible, Preaching, Music)
Vision College: Christchurch, NZ
(2014 NZ bi-culturalism)
Laidlaw College: Auckland, NZ
(2016-2017 Counselling)

Roles: Husband, father, worship leader, coach, counsellor, church planter
Likes: Basketball, exercise, coffee, breakfast




Catch up on the latest with Nate & Whitney in New Zealand.

A look back at how faithful God has been over the past five years of planting Church Northwest.

An overview of an eventful 5 years (2018-2023)


What We're Doing

Our goal in New Zealand is to plant healthy new Christian churches for people who are far from God. That dream became a reality in 2010 when we started Rechurch in the city of Christchurch.

Since then we’ve moved to Auckland, worked with Shore Community Church, and then in 2019 we started Church Northwest in the fastest growing area in one of the world’s most diverse cities. CNW is now a firmly planted and growing church.



Our financial partners enable us to focus full-time on ministering to and connecting with the people of New Zealand. They also enable our church to continue operating without the financial burden of paying a ministerial salary. 


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Prayer is vital to what we do. It helps us stay focused on what God asks us to do. It helps us love people who don’t love us. It helps us become better people and better parents. Everyday.

New Zealand


Much like the USA, New Zealand is a multi-cultural, post-modern, post-Christian, first-world nation. The intensity of these elements in New Zealand society are perhaps much greater in this island nation due to it’s small size and close proximity of people groups. The city of Auckland is an extreme example of such concentration. There are more people groups in this city of 1.5 million than there are countries in the entire world. The city is now more diverse than London.   


The post-modern way of thinking (i.e., “what’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me;” the assumption that there is no absolute truth) makes it very tricky territory for church planters. Our goal is to plant churches that focus on creating laid-back and non-threateningenvironments where post-modern thinkers can explore a biblical faith in Jesus Christ. Quick conversions and fast church growth are rare in such a society. It takes a long-term commitment to relationship building to see disciple-making fruit in New Zealand, But when it comes, true disciples are born. Other barriers to faith include the busyness and materialism that comes with the culture of most first-world western nations, and Auckland is no exception. Pray for us as we work to plant culturally relevant and biblically faithful churches in New Zealand.


Our sending organisation, North Terrace Church of Christ, is a non-denominational Christian Church located in Zanesville, OH, USA. They receive donations for our ministry, transfer them to our charitable trust accountants in New Zealand, provide us with financial oversight and accountability, and provide tax-deductible donation receipts to all who donate to us. NTCOC is also the church where Whitney grew up and where her father served as lead minister for 40 years. We’re grateful for their support and partnership in our ministry.


Forwarding Agent

Alison Morrow
+1 (614) 787-7257 

U.S. Address

Nate & Whitney Hutchison
c/o Alison Morrow
50 Winding Valley Drive
Delaware, OH 43015



